Here you have a world map with country names. Some classmates are from different countries. Watch the videos if you want to know more about them (and others).
Madagascar is the biggest island in Africa where we can see lemurs and other animals. Enjoy these videos!!
It's the biggest island in the world. It's between Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Do you want to learn more about Greenland!! Watch this video!!
It's the biggest archipelago in the world. It has more tha 17.000 islands!! It's in Asia. It's between the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
It's in Asia too. It's not as big as Indonesia, but it has more than 7000 islands. It's in the Pacific Ocean. Do you want to know more Philipines? Enjoy this video!
The Nile River. It is in Africa and it's the longest river in the world.
The Amazon River. It carries more water than the Nile. It's in America.
The Himalayas are the highest mountains range in the world.They are in Asia. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world and it's in the Himalayas.
The Andes are the longest mountains range in the world. They are in America. Ojos de Salado is in the Andes and it's the highest volcano in the world.
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*There are 7 continents in the map and games because they divide America into North and South America and include Antarctica. However, we will study only five continents: America, Africa, Asia, Europe and Oceania. The five continents are:
1. Asia
2. America
3. Africa
4. Europe
5. Oceania
The five oceans are:
1. Atlantic ocean
2. Pacific ocean
3. Indian ocean
4. Arctic ocean
5. Southern ocean
Have fun watching videos and playing games about continents and oceans!!
Find the different continents and oceans in the map and learn about them!
Animals may be viviparous (when they are born directly from the mother) or oviparous (they lay eggs). Play these games and classify animals according the way they reproduce.
Image taken from:
Image taken from
This blog is a place to practice and enjoy Science. Feel free to click on the different links: Play games, watch videos and learn from them in a fun way.